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Welcome to the Trust Guard (TG) API!

You can use our API to access Trust Guard API endpoints, which can get information on various companies, users, scans & results in our database.


Environment URL


  1. TG API using TLS 1.2 protocol for securities.
  2. Use POSTMAN collection for reference API calls.

Getting Started

This chapter provides step-by-step instructions for using TrustGuard Third Party API and is divided in to the following sections:

Step 1. Web Portal: Obtaining API Key

Step 2. Server Request: Using API Key

Important Note

Web Portal: Obtaining API Key

  1. First, login to trustguard portal.


  2. After login, go to Management > API Account through the link on the left sidebar to go to API Account Management Page


  3. To add a new user, press Add API Account button


  4. Fill-in the fields then press Save


  5. To obtain the API User's API Key press Edit Button


  6. In the Edit API Account press the Show Button


  7. A popup will show that will ask for your Password


  8. Generate API Key text area will now be available which contains your API Key


  9. Copy the generated API Key and save it for later use.

Server Request: Using API Key

An API Testing Tool such as Postman is required to interact with the API.

The API Key we generated will be used to obtain an ACCESS_TOKEN. This token is required to interact with the API.

Please refer to this section for instructions on how to obtain an ACCESS_TOKEN.


The Trust Guard API uses the following generic error codes:

Error Code Meaning
200 Successful -- OK request.
201 Created -- Your requested resource created.
400 Bad Request -- Your request is bad.
401 Unauthorized -- Your API key is wrong or insufficient client credentials.
403 Forbidden -- You don't have access to requested resource.
404 Not Found -- The specified resource could not be found
500 Internal Server Error -- We had a problem with our server. Try again later.
503 Service Unavailable -- We're temporarially offline for maintanance. Please try again later.


Get Refresh Token

This is the way to get API account token to authenticated API calls with TG portal. Admin of TG company can create new API account from TG portal and get token of particular API account.


  1. Login into TG portal.
  2. Go to “API Account” side menu option and click on “Add API Account”.
  3. Add required fields and save API account.
  4. Go to edit API account page and generate REFRESH_TOKEN and copy it. It will require password of admin to access it.

Get Access Token


curl -X POST "<api_url>/partner-api/auth/renew"
  -H "Authorization: Bearer <REFRESH_TOKEN>"


  "accessToken": "<token>",
  "exp": "2019-07-29T09:32:51+00:00",
  "messages": ["success"],
  "success": true,
  "status": 200

exp - Expiry date of access token

messages - Messages array will include success messages

errors - Errors array will include error messages

This API allows you to get ACCESS_TOKEN for particular API account so API account can access TG APIs for various operations. This API needs API Account Token generated from TG portal “Add API Account” page.

HTTP Request

POST <api_url>/partner-api/auth/renew

Replace api_url with API base URL.


Add Company


curl -X POST "<api_url>/partner-api/companies"
  -H "Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>"
  -d '{<json_request_parameters>}'


  "success": true,
  "cid": 535,
  "mid": "A10921",
  "adminID": 14927,
  "securityID": 14928,
  "name": "Testing Company A 101",
  "messages": ["company created successfully"],
  "status": 201

cid - Company ID assigned by TG

securityID - Security Officer ID

adminID - Admin User ID

This API allows you to create a new company.

HTTP Request

POST <api_url>/partner-api/companies

api_url - Replace api_url with API base URL.

Request Attributes

Attribute Description Max Length Type Required
mid Merchant ID 15 String true
name Company name 100 String true
city Company office city 30 String
state Company office state or province 30 String
zip Company office zip 20 String
country Company office ISO country code ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 String true
postalAddress Company postal office address 50 String
postalCity Company postal office city 30 String
postalState Company postal office state or province 30 String
postalZip Company postal office zip 20 String
postalCountry Company postal office country code ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 String
timezone Database time zone PHP Timezones String
vat VAT No. European Only 50 String
coc COC No. European Only 50 String
adminName Company admin name 50 String true
adminMail Company admin email. Must be VALID email format 100 String true
adminPhone Company admin phone no 20 String
adminJobTitle Company admin job title 30 String
adminLanguage Company admin prefered language ISO 639-1 String
securityName Company security officer name 50 String true
securityMail Company security officer email. Must be VALID email format 100 String true
securityPhone Company security officer phone no. 20 String
securityJobTitle Company security officer job title 30 String
securityLanguage Company security officer prefered language ISO 639-1 String
resellerID Reseller Company ID(Trust Guard Company ID) Number
internalID B2U Billing ID 50 String

Edit Company


curl -X PUT "<api_url>/partner-api/companies/535"
  -H "Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>"
  -d '{<json_request_parameters>}'


  "cid": 535,
  "mid": "A10921",
  "name": "Testing Company 101 A",
  "messages": ["company updated successfully"],
  "success": true,
  "status": 200

Updates the specified company by setting the values of the parameters passed.

Any parameters not provided will be left unchanged. This request accepts the same arguments as the company creation call.

HTTP Request

PUT <api_url>/partner-api/companies/<cid>

cid - Company id assigned by TG

api_url - Replace api_url with API base URL.

Expiry Date Attributes

Attribute Description Type
dailyexpiry Daily Scan Expiry String
weeklyexpiry Weekly Scan Expiry String
monthlyexpiry Monthly Scan Expiry String
quarterlyexpiry Quarterly Scan Expiry String
manualexpiry Manual Scan Expiry String

Expiry Date Format : yyyy-mm-dd

Delete Company


curl -X DELETE "<api_url>/partner-api/companies/23"
  -H "Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>"


  "cid": 535,
  "name": "Testing Company 101 A",
  "messages": [
    "company deleted successfully",
    "note: company is now permanently deleted from our records"
  "success": true,
  "status": 200
Permanently deletes a company if company does not have additional regular user(s) and zero device(s).


  "cid": 535,
  "name": "Testing Company 101 A",
  "messages": [
    "company marked successfully as inactive",
    "warning: subsequent [company delete] request on this company will permanently delete it from our records"
  "success": true,
  "status": 200
If company has active at least one additional regular user and device(s).

HTTP Request

DELETE <api_url>/partner-api/companies/<cid>

cid - Company id assigned by TG

api_url - Replace api_url with API base URL.

View Company


curl -X GET "<api_url>/partner-api/companies/469"
  -H "Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>"


  "FullName": "Testing TP Company",
  "cid": 469,
  "partnerID": 1,
  "resellerID": null,
  "accountType": "trial",
  "name": "Testing TP Company",
  "canceldate": "",
  "address": null,
  "city": null,
  "state": null,
  "zip": null,
  "country": "NL",
  "postalAddress": null,
  "postalCity": null,
  "postalState": null,
  "postalZip": null,
  "postalCountry": "NL",
  "timezone": "",
  "vat": "NL005835070B01",
  "coc": "32083680",
  "adminName": "Beta Admin Name",
  "adminMail": "beta@admin",
  "adminPhone": null,
  "userType": {
    "merchant": true,
    "reseller": true,
    "acquirer": true
  "isVIP": false,
  "isNoSeals": 0,
  "internalID": "11",
  "mid": "2",
  "scanVendor": "beyond-security",
  "daily": 0,
  "weekly": 0,
  "monthly": 0,
  "quarterly": 0,
  "quarterlyNoSeal": 0,
  "manual": 0,
  "dailyexpiry": null,
  "weeklyexpiry": null,
  "monthlyexpiry": null,
  "quarterlyexpiry": null,
  "manualexpiry": null,
  "isTP": false,
  "tpid": 1,
  "created": "2019-03-14",
  "website": "www.testing-company.test",
  "messages": ["company details returned successfully"],
  "success": true,
  "status": 200

This API allows you to get particular company.

HTTP Request

GET <api_url>/partner-api/companies/469

View Companies


curl -X GET "<api_url>/partner-api/companies"
  -H "Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>"


  "data": [
      "FullName": "Testing TP Company",
      "cid": 469,
      "partnerID": 1,
      "resellerID": null,
      "accountType": "trial",
      "name": "Testing TP Company",
      "canceldate": "",
      "address": null,
      "city": null,
      "state": null,
      "zip": null,
      "country": "NL",
      "postalAddress": null,
      "postalCity": null,
      "postalState": null,
      "postalZip": null,
      "postalCountry": "NL",
      "timezone": "",
      "vat": "NL005835070B01",
      "coc": "32083680",
      "adminName": "Beta Admin Name",
      "adminMail": "beta@admin",
      "adminPhone": null,
      "userType": {
        "merchant": true,
        "reseller": true,
        "acquirer": true
      "isVIP": false,
      "isNoSeals": 0,
      "internalID": "11",
      "mid": "2",
      "scanVendor": "beyond-security",
      "daily": 0,
      "weekly": 0,
      "monthly": 0,
      "quarterly": 0,
      "quarterlyNoSeal": 0,
      "manual": 0,
      "dailyexpiry": null,
      "weeklyexpiry": null,
      "monthlyexpiry": null,
      "quarterlyexpiry": null,
      "manualexpiry": null,
      "isTP": false,
      "tpid": 1,
      "created": "2019-03-14",
      "website": "www.testing-company.test"
  "messages": ["all companies returned succesfully"],
  "success": true,
  "status": 200

This API allows you to get all companies.

HTTP Request

GET <api_url>/partner-api/companies


Add User


curl -X POST "<api_url>/partner-api/companies/26/users"
  -H "Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>"
  -d '{<json_request_parameters>}'


  "uid": 14918,
  "name": "Test User 121",
  "email": "",
  "messages": ["user created succesfully"],
  "success": true,
  "status": 201

uid - User id assigned by TG

This API allows you to add a new user under particular company.

HTTP Request


cid - Company id assigned by TG

Request Attributes

Attribute Description Max Length Type Required
department Department the user belongs 20 String
email Email used for sign in 100 String true
groups Current Group(s) in the company the user belongs. See table below. Array
job The job title of the user 30 String
language Prefered language. options: ( en / nl ) ISO 639-1 String
name Full name of the user 50 String true
notificationEmail Email which receives the notifications. If not provided, default sign in email will be used. 100 String
phone Contact number 20 String
permissions Permissions assigned on the user.See permissions option below. Default permission will be all Array
isAdmin Set user role to admin of company Boolean
isSecurityOfficer Set user role to security officer of company Boolean

Groups Array

Example - groups: [12, 23]

Permissions Array Options

Example - permissions: ["user-management","domain-management"]

Edit User


curl -X PUT "/partner-api/companies/26/users/14867"
  -H "Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>"
  -d '{<json_request_parameters>}'


  "uid": 14928,
  "name": "Security 101",
  "messages": ["user updated successfully"],
  "success": true,
  "status": 200

Updates the specified user by setting the values of the parameters passed.

Any parameters not provided will be left unchanged. This request accepts the same arguments as the user creation call.

HTTP Request

PUT <api_url>/partner-api/companies/<cid>/users/<uid>

cid - Company id assigned by TG

uid - User id assigned by TG

Delete User


curl -X DELETE "<api_url>/partner-api/companies/26/users/14836"
  -H "Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>"


  "uid": 14918,
  "name": "Test User 121",
  "messages": ["user deleted successfully"],
  "success": true,
  "status": 200

Permanently deletes a user.

HTTP Request

DELETE <api_url>/partner-api/companies/<cid>/users/<uid>

cid - Company id assigned by TG

uid - User id assigned by TG

View User


curl -X GET "<api_url>/partner-api/companies/535/users/14927"
  -H "Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>"


  "success": true,
  "data": {
    "uid": 14927,
    "name": "Admin 101",
    "email": "",
    "phone": "",
    "password": "",
    "department": null,
    "job": "",
    "notification": "all",
    "notificationEmail": null,
    "groups": [
        "name": "All Groups",
        "gid": 538,
        "allDomains": "1"
    "permissions": ["all"],
    "login": "N/A",
    "language": "",
    "isAdmin": false,
    "isSecurityOfficer": false,
    "homeCompany": true,
    "multiCompany": 1,
    "ip": ""
  "messages": ["user details returned successfully"],
  "status": 200

This API allows you to get particular user under company.

HTTP Request

GET <api_url>/partner-api/companies/<cid>/users/<uid>

cid - Company id assigned by TG

uid - User id assigned by TG

View Users


curl -X GET "<api_url>/partner-api/companies/535/users"
  -H "Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>"


  "success": true,
  "data": [
      "uid": 14928,
      "name": "Security 101",
      "email": "",
      "phone": null,
      "password": "",
      "department": null,
      "job": null,
      "notification": "all",
      "notificationEmail": null,
      "groups": [
          "name": "All Groups",
          "gid": 538,
          "all": "1"
      "permissions": ["all"],
      "login": "n/a",
      "isAdmin": true,
      "isSecurityOfficer": true
  "messages": ["all users returned successfully"],
  "status": 200

This API allows you to get users under particular company.

HTTP Request

GET <api_url>/partner-api/companies/<cid>/users

cid - Company id assigned by TG


Add Device


curl -X POST "<api_url>/partner-api/devices"
  -H "Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>"
  -d '{<json_request_parameters>}'


  "did": 14246,
  "name": "",
  "messages": ["device created successfully"],
  "success": true,
  "status": 201

did - Device id assigned by TG

This API allows you to add a new device under particular company.

HTTP Request

POST <api_url>/partner-api/devices

Request Attributes

Attribute Description Max Length Type Required
cid Company Id assigned By TG Number true
name Name of site/domain 100 String true
device Url/IP of site/domain 100 String true
description Description of site/domain 200 String
frequency How frequent a site/domain is scanned. Check Frequency options below String true
scanHour Hour of the day the scan starts. format: hh (00 - 23) String
timeZone Timezone to apply in setting schedule PHP Timezones String
pciScope Include PCI status for this device Boolean

Frequency Attribute Options

Edit Device


curl -X PUT "<api_url>/partner-api/devices/14209"
  -H "Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>"
  -d '{<json_request_parameters>}'


  "name": "B Site",
  "did": 14246,
  "device": "",
  "messages": ["device updated successfully"],
  "success": true,
  "status": 200

Updates the specified device by setting the values of the parameters passed.

Any parameters not provided will be left unchanged. This request accepts the same arguments as the device creation call.

HTTP Request

PUT <api_url>/partner-api/devices/<did>

did - Device id assigned by TG

Delete Device


curl -X DELETE "<api_url>/partner-api/devices/14209"
  -H "Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>"

Response - First Delete Request:

  "did": 14245,
  "device": "",
  "messages": [
    "device marked successfully as inactive",
    "warning: subsequent [device delete] request on this device will permanently delete it from our records"
  "success": true,
  "status": 200
Inactive Status: Device will be kept in our records with scan results but it will not scan anymore with schedule.

Response - Second Delete Request:

  "did": 14245,
  "device": "",
  "messages": [
    "device deleted successfully",
    "note: device is now permanently deleted from our records"
  "success": true,
  "status": 200
Permanently Delete: Device will be permanently deleted from our records with scan results.

Permanently deletes a device. It will deactivate the device on first API call and will permanently delete device after second API call.

HTTP Request

DELETE <api_url>/partner-api/devices/<did>

did - Device id assigned by TG

View Device


curl -X GET "<api_url>/partner-api/devices/14246"
  -H "Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>"


  "success": true,
  "data": {
    "name": "B Site",
    "description": "",
    "device": "",
    "did": 14246,
    "status": "unverified",
    "frequency": "manual",
    "partnerLogin": "0",
    "partnerName": "aubrey",
    "reseller": [],
    "scanWeekly": "",
    "scanDate": "",
    "scanHour": "",
    "scanMinute": "",
    "timeZone": "",
    "scanVendor": "beyond-security",
    "entryPoint": null,
    "formName": null,
    "formID": null,
    "authenticationURL": null,
    "formInputNames": null,
    "formInputTypes": null,
    "formInputValues": null,
    "formButtonName": null,
    "scanningApplication": "0",
    "pciScope": "1",
    "isTP": true,
    "tpid": "",
    "tpName": "Trust Guard",
    "mid": "23"
  "legalText": "",
  "legalBool": true,
  "messages": ["device details returned successfully"],
  "status": 200

This API allows you to get particular device under company.

HTTP Request

GET <api_url>/partner-api/devices/<did>

did - Device id assigned by TG

View Devices


curl -X GET "<api_url>/partner-api/companies/26/devices"
  -H "Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>"


  "success": true,
  "data": [
      "name": "B Site",
      "device": "",
      "groups": [],
      "description": "",
      "did": 14246,
      "status": "unverified",
      "frequency": "manual",
      "vendor": "BS",
      "requestDelete": false,
      "requestDeleteBy": "",
      "requestExpired": false,
      "created": "Jul 29th, 2019",
      "nextReview": null,
      "pciScope": null,
      "partnerLogin": "0"
  "messages": ["all devices returned successfully"],
  "status": 200

This API allows you to get devices under particular company.

HTTP Request

GET <api_url>/partner-api/companies/<cid>/devices

cid - Company id assigned by TG


Add Group


curl -X POST "<api_url>/partner-api/groups"
  -H "Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>"
  -d '{<json_request_parameters>}'


  "gid": 542,
  "name": "API Test Group D",
  "messages": ["group created succesfully"],
  "success": true,
  "status": 201

gid - Group id assigned by TG

This API allows you to add new group for particular company.

HTTP Request


Request Attributes

Attribute Description Max Length Type Required
cid Company ID assigned by TG Number true
name Group name 30 String true
description Group description 150 String
devices Device ids array Array
users User ids array Array

Devices Array

Example - devices: [1222, 3323]

Users Array

Example - users: [2323, 23234]

Edit Group


curl -X PUT "/partner-api/groups/542"
  -H "Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>"
  -d '{<json_request_parameters>}'


  "gid": 542,
  "name": "API Test Group EDIT DD",
  "messages": ["group updated successfully"],
  "success": true,
  "status": 200

Updates the specified group by setting the values of the parameters passed.

Any parameters not provided will be left unchanged. This request accepts the same arguments as the group creation call.

HTTP Request

PUT <api_url>/partner-api/groups/<gid>

gid - Group id assigned by TG

Delete Group


curl -X DELETE "<api_url>/partner-api/groups/542"
  -H "Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>"


  "gid": 542,
  "messages": ["group deleted succesfully "],
  "success": true,
  "status": 200

Permanently deletes a group.

HTTP Request

DELETE <api_url>/partner-api/groups/<gid>

gid - Group id assigned by TG

View Group


curl -X GET "<api_url>/partner-api/groups/542"
  -H "Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>"


  "success": true,
  "data": {
    "name": "API Test Group EDIT DD",
    "description": "group created via api EDIT",
    "gid": 542,
    "editable": "1",
    "deletable": "1",
    "devices": [
        "name": "OV",
        "device": "",
        "did": 10528
        "name": "zl",
        "device": "",
        "did": 12171
    "allDomains": "0",
    "users": [
        "name": "Test",
        "uid": 11501
        "name": "Test",
        "uid": 11504
  "messages": ["group details returned successfully"],
  "status": 200

This API allows you to get particular group.

HTTP Request

GET <api_url>/partner-api/groups/<gid>

gid - Group id assigned by TG

View Groups


curl -X GET "<api_url>}/partner-api/companies/26/groups"
  -H "Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>"


  "success": true,
  "data": [
      "name": "All Groups",
      "did": null,
      "gid": 42,
      "description": "All Groups",
      "devices": [],
      "editable": "0",
      "deletable": "0",
      "allDomains": "1"
      "name": "API Test Group EDIT DD",
      "description": "group created via api EDIT",
      "did": null,
      "gid": 542,
      "editable": "1",
      "deletable": "1",
      "devices": [
          "name": "OV",
          "device": "",
          "did": 10528
          "name": "zl",
          "device": "",
          "did": 12171
      "allDomains": "0"
  "messages": ["all company groups returned successfully"],
  "status": 200

This API allows you to get groups under particular company.

HTTP Request

GET <api_url>/partner-api/companies/<cid>/groups

cid - Company id assigned by TG


View Scans


curl -X GET "<api_url>/partner-api/companies/26/scans"
  -H "Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>"

Response - Scan Results Per Company:

    "success": true,
    "data": [
            "scanResultID": 2123609,
            "did": 14946,
            "device": "",
            "name": "",
            "frequency": "manual",
            "pciStatus": "",
            "status": "fail",
            "progress": 100,
            "created": "2020-11-07 14:53:25",
            "finished": "2020-11-07 14:59:25",
            "serious": 2,
            "high": 2,
            "medium": 96,
            "low": 1128,
            "info": 11,
            "total": 1239,
            "sslDate": "2022-01-19 23:59:59",
            "malwareScanStatus": "pass"
    "messages": ["scans returned"],
    "status": 200

Response - Scan Results Per Device:

    "did": 14246,
    "device": "",
    "name": "B Site",
    "frequency": "manual",
    "data": [
            "scanResultID": 184572,
            "pciStatus": "pass",
            "status": "pass",
            "progress": 100,
            "created": "2017-01-23 17:22:27",
            "finished": "2018-11-21 07:23:56",
            "serious": 8,
            "high": 6,
            "medium": 5,
            "low": 5,
            "info": 6,
            "total": 30,
            "sslDate": "2022-01-19 23:59:59",
            "malwareScanStatus": "pass"
    "messages": ["scans returned"],
    "success": true,
    "status": 200

This API allows you to get scans results.

HTTP Request

GET <api_url>/partner-api/companies/<cid>/scans

cid - Company id assigned by TG

GET <api_url>/partner-api/devices/<did>/scans?limit=3

did - Device id assigned by TG

View Scan Status per Device


curl -X GET "<api_url>/partner-api/devices/10528/scanstatus"
  -H "Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>"
curl -X GET "<api_url>/partner-api/"
  -H "Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>"


    "did": 14930,
    "device": "",
    "name": "testing deleteme",
    "frequency": "daily",
    "scanResultID": 2257152,
    "pciStatus": null,
    "scanStatus": "fail",
    "progress": 100,
    "created": "Dec 22, 2020 05:56",
    "finished": "Dec 22, 2020 06:51",
    "serious": 0,
    "high": 0,
    "medium": 1,
    "low": 33,
    "info": 0,
    "total": 34,
    "sslDate": "2022-01-19 23:59:59",
    "malwareScanStatus": "pass",
    "messages": ["scan returned"],
    "success": true,
    "status": 200

This API allows you to get the last scan of particular device.


HTTP Request

GET <api_url>/partner-api/devices/<did>/scanstatus

GET <api_url>/partner-api/devices/<url>/scanstatus

did - Device id assigned by TG

url - Device URL

Start Scan


curl -X GET "<api_url>/partner-api/scans/start/10528"
  -H "Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>"


    "success": true,
    "scanStatus": "requested",
    "id": 1228286,
    "messages": [
        "request to scan has been submitted"
    "status": 200

This API allows you to start scan of particular device.

HTTP Request

GET <api_url>/partner-api/scans/start/<did>

did - Device id assigned by TG

Get Recent Scans


curl -X GET "<api_url>/partner-api/scans?range=2month"
  -H "Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>"


    "total": 3959,
    "currentPage": 1,
    "totalPage": 40,
    "data": [
            "cid": 26,
            "companyName": "Test Company",
            "did": 13195,
            "mid": "A0192",
            "device": "",
            "scanResultID": 254788,
            "status": "failed",
            "progress": 100,
            "created": "2019-01-24 22:29:02",
            "finished": null,
            "serious": null,
            "high": null,
            "medium": null,
            "low": null,
            "info": null
    "messages": ["recent scans returned"],
    "success": true,
    "status": 200

This API allows you to get multiple scan results based on range and limit. This API will return all scan results from all companies under requested API account.

HTTP Request

GET <api_url>/partner-api/scans?range=2month

GET <api_url>/partner-api/scans?range=2month&page=1

GET <api_url>/partner-api/scans?from=2024-01-01&to=2024-01-20

Request Parameters

Results from NOW – interval.


i.e. 3month

unit values: • minute • hour • day • week • month • quarter

Offset of result. 1 page yields 100 results at most.

Results from DATE1 to DATE2.


i.e. ?from=2024-01-15&to=2024-02-15

The number of devices returned


Single Sign On


curl -X POST "<api_url>/partner-api/auth/signin"
  -H "Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>"
  -d '{<json_request_parameters>}'


  "dashURL": "<dash_url>",
  "messages": ["success"],
  "success": true,
  "status": 200

This API is used to get access to TG client portal for users using single sign-on from third party portal.

HTTP Request

POST <api_url>/partner-api/auth/signin

Request Attributes

Attribute Description Type Required
cid Company Id assigned by TG Number true
uid User Id assigned by TG Number true

Response Attributes

Attribute Description Type
dashURL TG Client Dashboard URL for user to login String

Company - New API

This chapter contains the latest information in creating new regular, trial, and freemium merchants

Important Setup

These are the required resellerID and apikey that needs to be secured before proceeding.

Reseller ID and Form API Key

Create Trial Merchant

This api is used to create TRIAL merchant


curl -X POST "<api_url>/api/company.php/post_createtrialmerchant"


    "companyID": "X3Z0o9GRPL",
    "companyName": "Test Trial Merchant",
    "mid": "a10023",
    "adminName": "Trial Merchant Admin",
    "adminEmail": "",
    "messages": ["company created!"],
    "success": true,
    "status": 200

HTTP Request

POST <api_url>/api/company.php/post_createtrialmerchant

Request Attributes

Attribute Description Type Required
companyName name of merchant String true
companyAddress merchant address String true
companyCity merchant city String true
companyCountry merchant country ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 true
companyZip merchant zip String true
billingB2UID for B2U purposes String
resellerID assigned by TrustGuard String true
mid id of the merchant in your database String
companyVAT merchant VAT String true
companyCOC merchant COC String true
customerName admin name String true
customerEmail admin email String true
customerPhone admin phone number String true
customerLanguage Prefered language. options: (en/nl) ISO 639-1 true
apikey FORM API KEY String true

Create Freemium Merchant

This api is used to create FREEMIUM merchant


curl -X POST "<api_url>/api/freemium.php/post_createmerchant"


    "companyID": "X3Z0o9GRPL",
    "companyName": "Test Freemium Merchant",
    "mid": "a10023",
    "adminName": "Freemium Merchant Admin",
    "adminEmail": "",
    "messages": ["company created!"],
    "success": true,
    "status": 200

HTTP Request

POST <api_url>/api/freemium.php/post_createmerchant

Request Attributes

Attribute Description Type Required
customerName admin name String true
customerEmail admin email String true
customerPhone admin phone number String true
customerUrl admin phone number String true
resellerId assigned by TrustGuard String true
companyName name of merchant String true
customerLanguage Prefered language. options: (en/nl) ISO 639-1 true
customerCountry merchant country ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 true
mid id of the merchant in your database String
apikey FORM API KEY String true

Create Regular Merchant

This api is used to create Regular merchant


curl -X POST "<api_url>/api/company.php/post_createmerchant"


    "companyID": "X3Z0o9GRPL",
    "companyName": "Test Regular Merchant",
    "mid": "a10023",
    "adminName": "Regular Merchant Admin",
    "adminEmail": "",
    "messages": ["company created!"],
    "success": true,
    "status": 200

HTTP Request

POST <api_url>/api/company.php/post_createmerchant

Request Attributes

Attribute Description Type Required
companyName name of merchant String true
companyAddress merchant address String true
companyCity merchant city String true
companyCountry merchant country ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 true
companyZip merchant zip String true
billingB2UID for B2U purposes String
resellerID assigned by TrustGuard String true
mid id of the merchant in your database String
companyVAT merchant VAT String true
companyCOC merchant COC String true
customerName admin name String true
customerEmail admin email String true
customerPhone admin phone number String true
customerLanguage Prefered language. options: (en/nl) ISO 639-1 true
apikey FORM API KEY String true